
Henri Berestycki (Paris EHESS) 

Diffusion phenomena in Mathematical Biology

Abstract: TBA 



Emeric Bouin (Paris Dauphine) 

Transport phenomena in Mathematical Biology

Abstract: TBA 



Diane Peurichard (INRIA Paris) 

Simulation and numerical treatment of PDEs in Mathematical Biology.

Abstract: TBA



Maria José Caceres (Granada) 

Mathematical Models in Neurobiology.

Abstract: TBA



Noemi David (Lyon) 

Singular limits arising in mechanical models of tissue growth

Based on the mechanical viewpoint that living tissues present a fluid-like behaviour, PDE models inspired by fluid dynamics are nowadays well established as one of the main mathematical tools for the macroscopic description of tissue growth. Depending on the type of tissue, these models link the pressure to the velocity field using either Brinkman’s law (visco-